Tuesday, 27 May 2008


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Here goes another episode. Gujjars waited for another vacation holidays to strike so that the tourism gets affected in Rajastan and their demands are heard to. “You reap what you sow” and this is being proved here. An affair of the state is being transformed into a national issue, courtesy, caste-politics played by our leaders.

These crook politicians perpetuate the caste system in India just to keep the public divided. If one Prime Minister divided us in the name of language, the other did in the name of caste (read reservation). Now this has become a handy tool for these crooks to play politics in the name of region, religion caste and creed.

On one side they blame the society for discrimination and ill-treatment of Dalits and on the other side they want them to be christened as Dailts (or low caste) just as to enjoy the benefits in the name of the caste.

In democracy, the common citizen can participate in the governance and get his demand fulfilled. Here what Gujjars did was an implicit threat to the Governance. If you do not meet my demands, I will keep on damaging you and your properties. This is not new to us. Our Health Minister Mr. Ramadoss’s party did these two decades back in Tamilnadu and Gujjars followed it late. Is this democracy or Mobocracy?

Indian Media has taken an oath that they will never allow anything good to the country. If the Chief Minister stood firm, the media took the sides of these mobs naming them innocents and depicted a story as if the Government was unduly harsh. However, the media failed to look on the other side of the harshness created by these mobs! If the CM kept quiet, they blamed the CM in the name of inaction. What do they want? Just to succumb to the demands of Gujjars and set a precedent of allotting quotas to all who indulge in such mobs?

Despite all these SAchin Pilot had cracked jokes that brought us some lighter moments. He said, “It is an empty gesture to send a letter to PM” – What Mr. Pilot mean to say. Is sending a letter to PM is an empty gesture? Is the office of PM is superfluous or dummy? Will the PMO act only to letters from cabinet ministers recommending their kith & kin to loot the tax payers’ money as they did in TR Baalu’s case? Mr. Sachin went on to add, “A similar letter was sent to PM from the CM four years back also” meaning PMO is not taking action to a letter sent from the CM of a state for 4 years. Imagine the plight of a common citizen?

The population of Indians abroad will be around 2% of the Indian population still, their income is about 20% of the Indian GDP. This shows that the performance is boosted by its surroundings. An average performer delivers good if the surroundings were supportive and the good performer excels. However, if the environment does not support, even the excellent performer gives you an average performance. The performance of Indians abroad is a proof of this. All of these Indians had left India because they did not get the right opportunity to perform or they were refused to perform.

However, our politicians cannot look into this. They do not know what Meritocracy is. Meritocracy is being reduced to mediocrity. Our rulers are not concerned about the country but their future plans even if it is at the cost of the country.

I do agree with Mr. Sachin Pilot that one needs a political will to tackle such issues. Will Sachin comment on the same to his party leaders? Will Sachin ask these Gujjar brothers to compensate for the damages they have incurred to the Government? Will he go against the compensation to the victims if offered by the Government from the coffers of tax payers’ money? Mr. Sachin, to do this, you need political guts. Let us not talk of a factor which we lack totally.

Thursday, 22 May 2008

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Worth Reading these tips! This is just another E-mail word but certainly not a junk as it used to be!

  • Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
  • Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.
  • Always pray and make time to exercise.
  • Spend more time with people over the age of 70 And under the age of Six.
  • Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants And eat less foods that are manufactured in Plants.
  • Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat broccoli, almonds & walnuts.
  • Try to make at least three people smile each day.
  • Clear your clutter from your house, car, and desk and let new and flowing energy into your life.
  • Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead, invest your energy in the positive present moment.
  • Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class. But the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
  • Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a layman And dinner like a beggar.
  • Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
  • Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  • Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  • You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree
  • Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present
  • Don't compare your life to others. You have no Idea what their journey is all about.
  • Stop waiting for a special occasion. Every day is special.
  • No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  • Frame every so-called disaster with these Words: In five years, will these matters?
  • Forgive everyone for everything
  • What other people think of you is none of your Business
  • Time heals almost everything. Give time!
  • However good or bad a situation is, it will Change
  • Your job won't take care of you when you are Sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.
  • Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
  • Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. God provides, remember?
  • The best is yet to come.
  • No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
  • Do the right thing
  • Each night before you go to bed complete the Following statements:
    I am thankful for __________
    Today I accomplished _________
  • Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed
  • Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast Pass. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.

Appease Unabashedly

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The honorable(?) Home minister of India has come out with a new logic in an unabashed manner as to appease one particular community! Stooping to such a low level by the rulers just to please one religion, demonstrate the hypocritical functioning of the secular practices in this country.

Mr. Patil’s argument is, “If we are demanding the release of Sarabjeet Singh, how can we talk of hanging Afzal Guru!” Mr. Patil went on to add, “We can’t blame a community based on single incident”

Perhaps, one has to remind Mr. Patil that the cases of Afazal & Sarabjeet are not similar to draw a parallel. Afzal Guru is a convicted criminal who tried to blow away the Indian Parliament House that resulted in loss of lives of handful of policemen and other officials. Afzal Guru was tried and the Supreme Court of India had sentenced him the capital punishment.

The story of Sarabjeet is different. It is a case of mistaken identity and Sarabjeet has already undergone many a mental torture that he might not even wish to live again!Afzal is not a Pakistani and in no way they have to co-relate Afzal's issue with Srabjit. By saying so,
Hypothetically speaking, Even if the Pakistan took a stand of doing a barter (Afzal for Sarabjeet), Mr. Patil should have shown guts to proceed with the hanging of Afzal. This would have exposed the Pakistan of their proxy war against India. Also this would have proved us wrong whenever Mr. Patil made a comment that we can’t tolerate terrorism!

Can we release a terrorist like Afzal Guru and put crores of Indians at risk for the sake of saving one single citizen of India? If you are convinced in taking such a stand, what moral ethics do you have to blame the BJP for exchanging terrorists for innocent passengers?

Alas! We must be idiots to expect these from a minister who is loyal to the first family. Our beloved Prime Minister’s sleep gets disturbed when a man from a particular community is questioned for a crime occurred but is comfortable to sleep when hundreds of fellow Indians are massacred by terrorists belong to that particular community.

Mr. Patil should understand that all Muslims do not indulge in terrorism but all terrorist activities in India are initiated by Muslims. Mr. Patil, this is not the first incident to conceive an impression but this is happening repeatedly and you are sitting on every issue like a duck doing nothing.

Appeasement has never yielded results be it Ramayana or Mahabharata. Demons are demons and they understand only one language war! Wage a war against terrorism Mr. Patil. We are not asking you to wage a war on Muslims but on terrorism. Unless we start seeing the terrorists as terrorists and not as a person of particular community, we will keep on appeasing them at the cost of the country!

Friday, 16 May 2008

Charity & Philanthropy

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Charity and Philanthropy are the two characteristics that distinguish humankind from others. Charity is to contribute for a common kind on one’s own. Simply put, a voluntary donation for a good cause is termed as Charity. Philanthropy is no different from charity. However, it is defined as love for the mankind or benevolence.

How long one should extend giving charity? Should they do once in their life time or everyday? Should it be given to the same person or different persons? These are some confusing questions. Privilege is different from right.

It is the law of humanity that richer should aid poor. However, the problem here is the discrimination. How to differentiate the genuine deserving poor from the lazy, idle beggars? I am, at times, driven to have the opinion of encouraging laziness and begging through this charity-thing. This has encouraged our beggars to remain as “people-always-in-need”. The habit of providing alms has conditioned the so-called poor to remain poor always and seek alms as they are lazy enough to earn their bread.

Charity should be driven by the kindness of one’s heart. However, nowadays it is driven by other reasons! The ironical reason is advertisement. The other reason is the fear of God. The “punya” factor – means by doing charity, people perceive that their misdeeds are getting squared up! Or otherwise, it is a sort of bribing for their misdeeds.

This is clear from the data of offerings made at temples, churches or any other worship-spots. In India, worship-spots have become money-minting enterprises. It is not only the money but the Gold, silver, diamonds, cloths, and food material. I have never come across where God has asked for temples to be built on His name. Nor I had read He wanted temples be furnished with Gold or His idol be made of high-class marble or panchalola & studded with precious jewels!

Shirdi Saibaba lived like a Fakir but His devotees plan a diamond-studded crown for his marble statue. He never advised extravaganza or such a display of wealth. How can they be called as devotees if they did not understand the teachings of Saibaba?

In olden days, construction industry has been the main source of employment apart from agriculture and arts. So, Kings kept on building forts and temples. Temples were operated as banks for the kingdom. The wealth of the kingdom was transformed into gold and it was stored in temples. In case of natural calamities, the entire population would take shelter in the temples and they will be fed from the temple’s coffer. Alas! Nowadays it has taken a shape of a ritual!

If we gather all the wealth (even only gold and diamond) from temples all over India, we will never fall short of resources to build a new country. However, the existing politicians should not be allowed to have access to this. I am not atheist but I feel that serving the needy is the service to God. There is no dearth of temples in India but there is a scarcity for toilets, hospitals and primary schools. Why don’t we build them? Why build temples and block all our money? Is this called charity? Is this called kindness or benevolence?

In my humble opinion, this is not charity, nor charity means giving alms to poor. Parting away with funds and material is quite easy. If one after another keeps providing fish to the guy, he will never learn fishing and will seek some one who can provide him fish. This conditions him to be lazy. Instead, if we taught him fishing, as a part of charity, that would do him a world of good. The real teacher is the one who makes the students thirsty and not the one who provides pots of water!

The real charity would be to teach them how to earn their bread. To educate someone is the real charity or sponsor someone getting educated is the real service to God. Many of us might be educating many under-privileged children. For others, even if a few of them get inspired after reading this blog and does this act, that is a great charity from my part!

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Irresponsibility is the name of Media

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Nothing is impossible. This is pretty true when it pertains to the affairs of Indian politics. The happenings around persuade one to be more obsessed with the affairs of Indian politics.

Not long ago, I shared a joke in Sulekha-jokes column when two friends talk among themselves; one says that he would like to be the Prime Minister of India. The other guy shockingly asks, “Are you crazy?” for which the first one replies, “Why? Is that necessary?”

I never thought that this joke mentioned in a lighter vein would become a reality. Last evening, as I surf the TV channels, I found out an interesting SMS survey by a news channel asking Whether Mayawati will be the first Dalit Prime Minister of India?

At the outset, I am confused on the question itself. Since when onwards, we have started classifying the premier posts on the basis of castes? As far as I knew, I never came across a Prime Minister who was given a tag like Brahmin Prime Minister or so. Why the prefix of Dalit is to be added? Is being a Dalit is the prime qualification to be the Prime Minister irrespective of the fact whether they deserve this post or not? I thought PM post is a responsibility to lead a country and not a caste.

I am not questioning the capability of Mayawati per se for this post but I am against the tag of “Dalit” being added to the Prime Minister post. Even if she becomes one, will she be the PM for Dalits only and not for India.

The best lesson we learnt from the history is none has learnt a lesson from the history. Mr. K R Narayanan was insulted (or I would say so) when his nomination for the post of Premier was justified on the basis of his caste and not by his qualifications.

We were taught in our schools that British adapted “Divide and Rule” to spoil our country. I beg to differ. To be precise, the opposite of this is true. India was politically united only when British ruled us. How could have British or Moguls ruled us if we were united? Even when the British left us, we needed a Sardar Patel to unite 300-odd princely states to name a country called India.

We boasted “Unity in Diversity” but the emphasis was much on the diversity and not on the unity. Politicians took enough care that we, the Indians remained divided in the name of caste, region, religion, language etc., The media, which is supposed to correct the errors of the ruling parties are behaving hand-in-glove to all of their activities.

All I could say is, “Irresponsibility – thy name is Media”. Please try to shed this tag before you give superfluous tags to all others.

Monday, 5 May 2008

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Indian politicians are notorious for their priorities or the lack of it whenever they respond to an issue. Dr. Anbumani (Ramdoss – this is his father’s name) is not exception. It is a well known fact that Ramdoss’s family is jealous of the charisma that Rajini has and the clout he has over the Tamilnadu people.

As the saying goes, “aatirakkaranukku buddi mattu” (angry man has no mind), Ramdoss perceives that the Rajini style (throwing cigarette and catching) is the reason for his popularity. If he brings a ban on smoking on cigarette he can curtail the popularity of Rajini. If he thought so, we can only pity him.

The entire Tamilnadu knew how Ramdoss came to limelight. His organization was labeled as “kaadu vetti katchi” (forest cutting party) as they used to fell down trees all over the highways of Tamilnadu and block the traffic just to highlight their issue. Now these environmentalists want to ban smoke on screen. If you really want to ban something on movies, then ban those almost-nude song & dance sequences

I am at fail to ascertain how to react to this. If Mr.Anbuman is so keen about the healthy conditions of India, he should have expressed his concern when medication to measles led to the death of four innocent lives in Tamilnadu.

Can Mr. Anbumani ask all the cigarette manufacturers to close their unit and the beedi units functioning in India because it causes ill-health?
Can Mr. Anbumani bring a ban on all liquor manufacturing units all over India?
Why doesn’t Mr. Anubmani do something to the smokes spitted by the Government run buses when inhaled causes more damage to lungs than a cigarette?

Mr. Anbumani, if you are really concerned about the healthy conditions of India, please do the following:

  • Make a rule that all the doctors (fresh and experienced) should spend 3 years of their career service in primary health centers of Indian villages. (this includes you Mr. Anbumani)
  • This practice should be renewed every 20 years.
  • The license to practice should be ceased whenever a doctor defaults this.
  • Stop playing politics with the Deans of Medical colleges
  • Stop the malpractices in drug-handling at all govt run hospitals.
  • Improve the condition of Govt hospitals.
  • Construct public-convenience structures all over India.
  • Stop Indians from defecating in public.

We thank your for our mis-perception that educated lots when enter politics will do good for us. You have proved us wrong.

The only consolation is even Bush, the most unpopular President of USA also behaves this way by his stupid comments on the recent price rise globally attributing to India.

Politicians are the same all over the globe.

Divya Pasuram - Vaaranamaayiram - Musical analysis

  Approximately 19 years ago, with chosen verses from Manickavasagam's Thiruvasagam, Raja released an album. Then i wondered how about a...