Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Corruption & India

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if you ask me whether we are willing to build a corruption-free society, then my answer is NO! Corruption has been, is and will be the biggest problem of India. People’s will forms democracy. If this is based on corruption, then stigma against corruption goes absent. Under such circumstances, the morale of the people goes down. They condone and develop tolerance.

Corruption can be defined as using the public office for private gain. It is anti-poor; anti-national & anti-development. More than the taker, it is the giver who commits a serious crime in corruption. We have accepted corruption as a way of our life. We failed to fight against corruption.

Might is right in a corrupted democracy. In our society, amassing wealth through corruption is a way of demonstrating one’s competence. This continues as it is not questioned. Adding insult to injury is, not only it is questioned but such people are respected. This gives legitimacy to amassment of wealth by wrong means. Corruption is either need-based or greed-based. If the corruption is because of need-based it can be tackled by meeting the requirements. If the corruption is of greed-based, that is the result of wrong social-values taught to the individuals. The worry is what starts off as need-based, turns into greed-based corruption once the need is taken care of.

When rulers are corrupt, the common man approaches the judicial system. If the judiciary itself is corrupted, where can he go? What legacy are we leaving to our generations? Can we find a man with character, integrity and honesty today?

Corruption is not confined to government organizations alone. To have a corruption-free India, we should have corruption-free states, for that we should have corruption-free districts, for which we should have corruption-free panchayats; in turn requires corruption-free individuals.

The objective of fighting corruption is to bring in an equitable society. Decision makers should be trust-worthy. More than legal & administrative measures, it needs moral up-gradation to build a corruption-free society. Integrity should be the pre-requisite for anybody to qualify for a job. Individuals must show courage to rise against corrupt practices. We remained silent when 2 young whistle blowers were brutally murdered after they showed courage to fight corrupt practices. Such men create an aggressive and strong public opinion against corruption.

Neutral agency to investigate corrupt practices that is more powerful than CVC, that is free from political influences is required. The crucial factor is honesty. Patriotism, honesty, integrity – a leader with these characteristics, who can put nation’s interest ahead of self-interest, is required. A good leader leads whereas a bad leader misleads. The press can play a big role. We should encourage journalists and editors who fight corrupt practices & injustice. We should not encourage sensationalism in the name of investigative journalism.

Strict enforcement of rules & regulations by the Government will go a long way in arresting corruption. It is the duty of the government to guard & cherish the citizens and to punish the criminals. Punishing the wicked criminals even with death is like weeding the productive crops by the farmer.

No missionary movement, but individual transformation is needed. Awareness against corruption has to be created among the people. Writers, thinkers and volunteers should rise up to the occasion. Let us not only stop accepting bribe but also stop giving bribe. Persistent attempts have to be made to create awareness in society in which the corrupt persons in public administration, political field and all other walks of life are not respected but condemned. Then only the corrupt people will begin to understand the folly of their impure life and begin to rectify themselves.


  1. Hello Sir,

    You are absolutely right about today's corrupt India. We the people are the ones responsible for this state, because we are the ones who started this trend by offering bribes. Now it has lead to the situation where no place is left uncorrupted. Only a mass movement by each individual refusing to offer/pay bribes can cleanse India.

    Nikhil Mundra

    1. We have ignored these and never considered them as problems. Thus, we started living with them. It has spread so much that to eradicate we need to have a generation who never had the smell of this. Will take another 50 years but till then there should not be a single incident of corruption. Will it happen?

  2. I think only way to curb corruption is to stop printing currency. What do you think?

    1. thats funny. Cash-less transactions are not possible but less-cash transactions are always possible.


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