Friday, 17 August 2007

Essence of Gayatri Mantra

Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvah - Tat Savithur Varenyam - Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi - Dhiyo yonah Prachodayat

We meditiate upon that spiritiual Effulgence of That Adoroable supreme Divine Reality the source of the physical, the Astral and the Heavenly Spheres of Existence. May that Supreme Divine Being enlighten our Intellect.

In short it is a prayer to the Divine Mother . "O Divine Mother, our heart are filled with darkness. Please make this darkness distant from us and promote Illumination within us".
How the Gayatri mantra be translated?
OM --Para Brahman
BHUR -- Physical Plane - It also refers to the body made up of five elements - which constitute Nature.
BHUVA -- The middle world. Bhuva is also Prana Sakthi. It is the presence of Prajnana that enable the Prana Sakthi to animate the body. It is on this account that the Vedas have declared - "Prajnanam Brahman" - Constant Integrated Awareness is Brahman.
SVAHA -- Heaven - the land of the Gods
TAT -- Paramatma, God or Brahman
SAVITUR -- That from which all this is born.
VARENYAM -- Fit to be worshipped.
BHARGO -- The Radiance, the Spiritual Effulgence, the Light that bestows Wisdom.
DEVASYA -- Divine Reality.
DHEEMAHI -- We meditate.
DHIYO -- Buddhi, Intellect.
YO -- Which.
NAH -- Our.
PRACHODAYAT -- Enlighten.

The word "Gayatri" is derived from "GAYAntam TRIyate Iti". Gayatri protects and redeems the one who chant it.. This mantra will save you from being caught up in the coils of this wordly life which is filled with death, grief and pain. Because Gayatri is Annapurna, the Mother, the Force that sustains all life and hence when we are under her protection she looks after us just as the mother looks after her new born child.

The Gayatri Mantra is the elaboration of the Pranava Sabda or Om. Gayatri Mantra is expanded from the word Om and Om is included in the Gayatri Mantra to give more effect to the Mantra. This Gayatri Mantra is also known as "Sabda Brahman". It contains in itself the spirit and energy of all the Vedic Mantras.

It is the greatest of all Mantras. There cannot be any other Mantra more effective than Gayatri Mantra since Gayatri resides in the heart of Mahavishnu. This divine Mantra came out from the Divine face of Mahavishnu at the time of the creation of the universe The Vedas are the very breath of God and the Gayatri Mantra is the very basis of the Vedas. It is also known as the Mother of the Vedas.

The Gayatri Mantra is the Universal Prayer enshrined in the Rig Vedas.. Thus the great Gayatri Mantra is ETERNAL, EVERLASTING AND ENDLESS.

There is no better japa or dhyana than reciting the Gayatri Mantra, since this Mantra has infinite potentiality. It is a vibrant formula. It has immense powers, powers that are truly amazing, for the sun is its presiding Deity. As Bhagavan Baba says that "The Gayatri Mantra has been given to us as the 'Third Eye' (the Agna Chakra) to reveal the inner vision to us so that we can realise the Brahman". One therefore has to approach with humility, reverence faith and love towards the Mantra.

It is the key to open the doors of Cosmic Consciousness. It blesses us with Liberation. It has four core declarations enshrined in the four Vedas.

Prajnanam Brahman Consciousness is Brahman Aitareya Upanishad - Rig Veda
Aham Brahma Asmi I am Brahman Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Tat Twam Asi That Thou Art Chandogya Upanishad - Sama Veda
Ayam Atma Brahma This Self is Brahman Mandukya Upanishad - Atharva Veda

Gayatri Mantra was discovered by Sage Viswamitra. It was the same sage who initiated Sri Rama into the mysteries of Sun worship through the mantra Aditya Hrudayam. The Rishi for Gayatri Mantra is Viswamitra himself.. The Gayatri Mantra enabled Sage Viswamitra to use rare weapons which bowed to his will when the Mantra was repeated with faith. Through the powers he attained in this way, Viswamitra was able to create a counterpart of this Cosmos.


King Viswamitra once while hunting in Himalayan forests reached a hermitage of Vasistha. The king’s troops were hungry and tired. Vasistha welcomed the king and requested Kamadhenu, his wish-cow, to feed the king and his men. The king was amazed to see that the wish-fulfilling cow provided all the food needed by him and his army. King thought that such a cow could meet the needs of his army and palace staff. He therefore asked Sage Vasistha to give the wish-cow to him. Inspite of all the commands of the king, Sage Vasistha refused to give the Kamadhenu, saying this cow-of-plenty could be given only to that person who had realized Brahman or Truth. The King’s ego was hurt and he flew into a rage. He ordered his troops to forcible take Kamadhenu along. At the behest of Sage Vasistha the wish-cow produced thousands of celestial armed bodies that drove away the kings men. Kings powerful arrows were stopped by the Sage’s staff ( brahma-danda). King realized that all his position, power, wealth, army, weapons were of no consequence in front of the yogic powers of a Brahmrishi. Viswamitra decided to become Brahmrishi himself, renounced his kingdom and went to jungles in Himalayas for deep meditation on Cosmic Self.

He did severe penance, tapasya and meditation and obtained great yogic powers. Indra, the head of the celestials, got frightened, thinking that Viswamitra might attempt to occupy his throne by his powers, sent a beautiful celestial nymph named Menaka to lure him and break his meditation. Viswamitra fell victim to passion and a female child names Shakuntala was born to them. Viswamitra soon realized that lust had consumed all his yogic powers. He renounced Menaka and the child and once more started deep meditation.

Viswamitra attained now higher spiritual powers. Indira once again sent another celestial nymph named Rambha , who tried to entice Viswamitra. Vishwamitra’s meditation was broken. Being aware of his past mistake, he became very angry on Rambha, and he uttered a curse, which turned her into a rock. But alas, Viswamitra consumed all his yogic powers in a moment of anger. First lust and now anger made him loose all his yogic powers. Indefatigable, he went higher in Himalayas and started doing severe tapasya (penance).

During that time another King, named Trishanku approached family guru Sage Vasistha to perform a great fire-sacrifice which could help him reach the heaven with his earthly body and consciousness which the Sage refused. The king was angry and approached Viswamitra,. Viswamitra, who wanted revenge, took this as an opportunity to display his yogic powers. Viswamitra performed the fire-sacrifice and sent King Trishuku in body to the celestial region of Indira. They pushed him back. While falling to earth Trishunku cried and prayed to Viswamitra to save him. Viswamitra stopped Trishunku’s fall and created a new stellar system for him. Viswamitra consumed all his yogic powers for his ulterior gain. Once agian he felt dejected and decided not to move from his meditation.

When Viswamitra’s tough penance became successful, the Lord Bramha appeared before him and told him the He was pleased with his penance and he was now a Maharishi. However, to become Brahmrishi, Viswamitra had to be blessed by Sage Vasistha. Saying this Brahma disappeared.

Now crowned as Maharshi, Viswamitra was frustrated at the very thought of going to Sage Vasistha for getting his blessings. Thinking that if he killed Vasistha, he could become Brahmrishi, he sneaked near the hermitage of Sage Vasistha and carried a huge rock to hurl on Vasistha’s head. While waiting for an opportune moment, he heard Arundhati, wife of Sage Vasistha saying to her husband that since Viswamitra was such a great man, he should be blessed to attain the status of Brahmarishi. Sage Vasistha replied that he would do so once Viswamitra comes to him. Hearing this conversation, Viswamitra felt ashamed and threw the rock away and rushed towards Sage Vasistha and fell prostrate at his feet.

Sage Vasistha told to Viswamitra " You have shown to the world that the human spirit is invincible and accepts no defeat. You conquered lust, anger, greediness, attachment and arrogance one by one through your austerities and meditation. The last barrier was jealousy. Now you have conquered that enemy also. Hail Brahmrishi Vishvamita!"

As Sage Vasistha touched the brow center of Vishvamitra, his third eye opened and he saw the seven rhythms with which the cosmos was created. The sacred Gayatri-mantra with its seven vpahrti’s or rhythms was revealed to him at that time.

The Mantra has all the three elements that figure in the adoration of God - Praise, Meditation and Prayer. the first nine words represent the attributes of the Divine. "Dheemahi" pertains to Meditation. "Dhi yo yonah Prachodayat" is the Prayer to God to "confer on us all powers and talents" or "Awaken my Discrmination my Lord and guide me".

The purpose of Gayatri Mantra is to illumine the intellect, since every human being is gifted with Reasoning Faculty which has to be kept alert and guarded from evil ways so that one can continue spiritual practices without hindrances and with faith and confidence in our journey to self realisation. Darkness is driven away and the Buddhi unfolds itself for spiritual advancement. Hence it sharpens the knowledge-yielding faculty in man.

The aspirant is advised to chant the Gayatri Mantra during dawn, noon and dusk. At the dawn Gayatri appears as BRAHMSWAROOPINI - as Saraswati attributes - and wisdom is granted to the aspirant. During noon Gayatri appears as RUDRASWAROOPINI - as Durga attributes - and the aspirant is relieved of his distress. During dawn, Gayatri appears as VISHNUSWAROOPINI - and grants wealth and prosperity to the aspirant.

Her three names are Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati. These three are present in each one of us. Gayatri is the master of senses, Savithri is the master of Prana or Life Force and Saraswati is the presiding deity of Speech. These three represents Purity in Thought, Word and Deed. One who practices purity and Harmony of Thought, Word and Deed will have Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati residing in him.

It can be recited with devotion for for one's spiritual and material benefit in all times by any human being in any part of the world. We do not have to be bound by three periods of time to chant the Gayatri Mantra. Besides when we chant this Mantra during taking bath, we clean not only our bodies but are minds and intellects at the same time. After we finish chanting the Gayatri Mantra we should repeat "Santhi" three times because it will give us peace of mind to the three entities in us - body mind and soul. Each word of the Gayatri should be pronounced clearly and distinctly, without undue haste or hurry. It is also recommended that Gayatri Mantra should be chanted before meals as our food becomes an offering to the Divine, and also when we wake up from bed and when we go to bed.

Gayatri Mantra must be mentally repeated with faith and love and without lip movement or sound. The benefit one derives is just beyond any calculations. Body and minds are cleansed. One develops peace of mind. Good health and good fortunes are also derived from chanting this Maha Mantra.

In short it confers wisdom, prosperity, purity and liberation ... removes fears, wards off all misery and fulfills all desires. It is the bestower of all that is beneficial to the person who chants it with faith. Hence it should not be treated casually. To absorb the Mantric power, purity of life and an abstemious diet are essential. Brahmaprakasa (the effulgence of Brahman) will descend on us and will illumine our spiritual path since it embodies all the Divine Potencies.

Bhagavan Baba has declared to his students" "You may or may not chant any othe Mantra but do remember that by chanting the Gayatri Mantra, the benefits are there for you to see. By continuously chanting the Gayatri Mantra you yourself will reach the state of fulfillment, a sense of feeling that you have achieved something.

Hence Gayatri Mantra is essential to the Self and its Japa must not be given up at all time. The Chitta Suddhi - cleansing of the Mind is the direct result of Gayatri Japa.

Start regular daily Gayatri Japa and feel for yourself the wondrous power that you derive therefrom. Fix a particular time for the Japa and stick to it permanently. At least one mala of japa you must do daily without a break. It will guard you from all dangers, give you infinite strength to overcome all obstacles, and take you to the very pinnacle of splendour, power, peace and bliss.
Let us all pray to the Lord that the fire of the Mantras is never extinguished in us and that it will keep burning brighter and brighter.


1 comment:

  1. // Om Gayatriyey Devyey Namah: //

    Yes, Gayatri Mantra Jaap Mala is very powerful.

    If you like listening performance, you can download "Aarti Shri Gayatri Ma Ki" and other Mp3-Bhajans at:

    YouRs SinCEreLy M!sTer CrippLeD SaM


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